Install MySQL Database

Citrus Accounting Guide


Last Update 3 years ago

Download the MySQL Database Installer

  1. Visit the website,
  2. Login to your Account, click Account Login on the top menu link
  3. On the Login window, enter your Email address and Password
  4. Click Login Now button
  5. After successful login, you will see your Dashboard
  6. Click Downloads on the left menu
  7. On the MYSQL DATABASE AUTO-INSTALLER section box, click Download now! button

Run the MySQL Database Installer

  1. Find the downloaded Installer File, mysqldbserver5528_auto_installer.exe
  2. Double-click the file to run and start the installation process
  3. Follow the Setup Wizard to complete the installation


If you have Windows Firewall turned ON, please ADD an In-Bound and Out-Bound Rules on your Windows Firewall for the PORT 3306 to allow the connection of workstations to your Local Server. You need to re-start your server after adding the In-Bound and Out-Bound Rules.